Site operations and management specialist: SIL laboratories, yard and laboratories + infrastructure

Job number 9908

Responsible for the management of the laboratories of the project from the phase of establishing the laboratory, its ongoing operation, and closing laboratories subject to the method for managing development laboratories

The project for the establishment of the laboratories

The planning, establishment and management of the laboratory from the beginning of the tasks (the collection of the needs from all the field groups for a particular project), the requirements document is defined by the leaders in the development, planning and development of the arrays in the laboratory under the responsibility of the engineering bodies (CBA, hybrid array, customer equipment, deployed array, braids, etc.) )

Responsibility for TA management for receiving assemblies, versions, software, auxiliary equipment in time for the realization of the integration, integration and testing plan + running the scenarios and delivery of products: release of versions, tests, approval of assemblies and integration stages.

Responsibility and leading the execution of assembly integration processes according to integration stages and at each iteration stage in SIL at the system level against the SIL assemblies and at the Yard against "operational" subsystems.

Responsibility for verifying testing processes, freezing versions, work plans and managing activities and system integrity in the laboratory together with engineering leaders (the laboratory's clients + overseas clients + subcontractors)

Responsibility for managing the procurement, supplies and delivery of the items required for the laboratories

Responsibility for the safety procedure at work in the laboratory and the enforcement of the safety instructions

Defining a uniform method for field laboratories and implementing it (pricing, construction, equipment, maintenance...) - for all laboratories (regardless of the laboratory's designation / specific field)

Deepening in "laboratory management" professionalism - leading construction processes (real estate optimization), logistics, management and procurement of equipment, management and control of budgets including a multi-year plan for establishment/renovation (for construction, renovations, infrastructural equipment...)

Ongoing logistical and operational management for those in charge of the laboratories and the equipment in the field on various topics including - interface with MTL, logistical response to the laboratories, implementation of calibration processes for calibratable measures with the field personnel, laboratory maintenance, etc.

Accompanying and monitoring renovation and construction projects for the field laboratories

Manages the laboratory teams - apprenticeship and training according to the definition of a signed appointment

Signing the infrastructure equipment of the field laboratories

Additional tasks as assigned from time to time.